Monday, September 17, 2007

Anthropological Assessment of Technology

This blog details an my anthropological assessment of technology within the school I'm completing my student teaching at. It gives a summary of the project and includes a detailed report of the technology available at Goldenview Middle School.

During my anthropological assessment of Goldenview Middle School's technology, I found out that I knew less about technology than I originally thought. I guess it's good in the sense that I learned a great deal about the school. I knew this project was going to be a nightmare because I had previously tried to track down the technology coordinator for other purposed before I started this assignment. I realized that technology coordinators at any school or business are probably the most busy out of any employee. Not too mention, their offices are usually very scary (extremely cluttered with foreign objects).

This assignment taught me so much about what resources are available to me as a teacher and what I can now expect from my students. I learned all the policies of the school, which are extremely important. I also found out that I should probably stop looking up inappropriate things on the Internet while I'm using my host teacher's account!! I hope you know I'm only kidding. It hasn't been too long since I've been out of school, so it wasn't surprising to find that all the same policies are still in place. Overall, I have a much better understanding of the resources I can now take advantage of as a teacher.

Click here to view the full details of my assessment of Goldenview.

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